
Associação D3 - Defesa dos Direitos Digitais

Help us achieving sustainability for D3's work!

D3 ontvangt € 3,59 per week van 5 donateurs.
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Associação D3 - Defesa dos Direitos Digitais, NIPC 514339934, is a Portuguese non-profit association dedicated to defending fundamental rights in the digital context.

We fight for better public policies, doing everything possible - and sometimes the impossible - to defend the public interest in digital rights issues. Over the last few years we have been an active voice in Portugal on issues such as the copyright reform and its censorship filters, net neutrality and zero rating, the use of contact tracing applications, video surveillance of public spaces, privacy and encryption of citizens' private communications, the retention of telecommunications metadata, electronic voting and Internet regulation.

Our activity usually involves writing and publishing texts, running campaigns, sending press releases and talking to journalists, meeting with politicians and public bodies, contributing to legislative processes, submitting complaints and requests for access to public documentation to various bodies, cooperating with international counterparts, among other things.

In here, you can help us achieve sustainability!

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D3 heeft 4 publieke donateurs.

€ 1,00/week
€ 0,69/week
€ 0,69/week
€ 0,25/week


D3 werd 5 jaar geleden lid.

Inkomen per week (in Euro)

Aantal donateurs per week