
Victor Doval

Active developer of Sverchok the Blender Addon

vicdoval ontvangt € 0,00 per week van 0 donateurs.
Doneer   Betaalkaart Automatische incasso


Father, Artist, Architect and Sverchok Coder.

I contribute passionately to Sverchok (powerful parametric open source tool for architects, that allows geometry to be programmed visually with nodes), by creating new nodes, improving the existing ones and fixing issues.

Some of my favourite contributions have been the Pulga Physics nodes, the SVG nodes, the Loop nodes and the Evolver node (Genetics Algorithm)

Lately I have been focused on improving Sverchok performance by re-writing many nodes.

I have created this account to give the possibility to anyone to support my work as Sverchok developer

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vicdoval werd 4 jaar geleden lid.

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