

Owner and operator of t2bot.io - a free to use provider of community-centric bots and bridges.

turt2live ontvangt US$ 10,89 per week van 14 donateurs.
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Hello! I'm TravisR, a software developer trying to make the Matrix ecosystem the best it can be. With t2bot.io, I aim to offer free to use community-centric bots and bridges through t2bot.io - donations I receive go directly towards the cost of operation for that service.

For details on how much it costs to run t2bot.io or how the funds get spent, please see https://t2bot.io/donations/

Gekoppelde accounts

turt2live bezit de volgende accounts op andere platformen:


matrix-bot-sdk Sterren 183 Vernieuwd 4 weken geleden

TypeScript/JavaScript SDK for Matrix bots


turt2live werd 7 jaar geleden lid.

Inkomen per week (in Amerikaanse dollar)

Aantal donateurs per week

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