

Hello! I do cool things sometimes, like making games and programming bots.

some1chan's doel is om C$ 600,00 te ontvangen per week.
Doneer   Betaalkaart Automatische incasso PayPal


Hello! I do cool things sometimes, like making games and programming bots. It's pretty spread out.

Why I'm asking for tips is because doing this takes a long time to make, and is effort to maintain. Also, living costs money sadly. Rent, food, medications, and all that stuff. Your tips would help me keep doing what I'm doing!

Moonlit Fighter

Gekoppelde accounts

some1chan bezit de volgende accounts op andere platformen:


obs-stream-sync Sterren 2 Vernieuwd 10 maanden geleden

obs-stream-sync lets you easily sync two livestreams in OBS together, using delay filters and a special layout.

hbca Sterren 1 Vernieuwd 1 jaar geleden

A very high budget control application, for synchronizing inputs over the internet.


some1chan werd 1 jaar geleden lid.

Inkomen per week (in Canadese dollar)

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