
Alexis Burrows

Cultivating Truth, Love, and Consciousness

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I am on a spiritual path to help the entire human race realize the importance of cultivating Love, Consciousness, and Truth. I am a follower and advocate for Universal Natural Law Rights.⚖️ A Free / Open-source software enthusiast, student web-developer, trained horticulture professional, art dabbler, and an avid researcher of many subjects.

I'm working on building a database of plant information, and a website to offer anyone who connects, professional, detailed data on the plants for free. Eventually I plan to integrate that data into a decentralized, nursery management web application that I want to build in Linux. This application will be Free Software (with it's own version of an "unlicense") and distributed at no charge when completed.

I have been professionally trained in the agricultural sciences, in the field of horticulture. My horticultural skills include landscape design & management, nursery & greenhouse production, pest & disease management, and plant propagation. I have also been a lifelong art dabbler. I would not call myself an artist, but I would say I'm sort of artistically skilled.

I admit that I've gotten a bit rusty on my knowledge base, as I have experienced some very traumatic events in my personal life over the past few years. I am going to need to accumulate more knowledge and put that into action. It is time to manifest something with wisdom. I need to do a lot more reading and studying, so I will need lots of books, and a lot of resources to invest the time needed to cultivate my dreams.

Research in many subjects is one of my favorite activities. Topics I'm most interested in are including, but not limited to; ethnobotany, horticultural sciences, paranormal phenomena, natural sciences, the occult, human consciousness, ancient cultures, lost civilizations, spirituality, human diet, as well as health and wellness.

Currently I'm focusing a lot of energy on learning information technology and to better my communication skills. My main focus is creating horticulture presentation videos to educate the public on horticultural arts & sciences. (It's a great refresher for my education as well).

I'm also very focused on learning GNU/Linux system administration, database administration, block-chain technologies, attempting to learn a bit of programming, and web-development. This is my main focus for my work at this point in my life. The reason for this is also to help spread the message of Truth and Universal Natural Law Rights, to a much wider audience, with a focus on decentralization, privacy, and censorship resistance.

Thank you for visiting my page, and many thanks for your support considerations.

Take Care,

"Pastlife of the Pleiades." , 💖 "Alexis Borough" 💖 (Remo of Terra)


Visit my website at pastlife.works Thanks for your time, and many thanks for your considered support.


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