

Oruga UI: lightweight library of UI components for Vue.js without CSS framework dependency

oruga-ui ontvangt € 0,38 per week van 1 donateur.
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Oruga is a lightweight library of UI components for Vue.js without CSS framework dependency. It doesn't depend on any specific style or CSS framework (like Bootstrap, Bulma, TailwindCSS, etc) and it doesn't provide any grid system or CSS utility, it just offer a set of components easy to customize only modifying your stylesheets or integrating it with a CSS framework. Oruga wants you to focus only on UI/UX aspects of your application and be totally flexible to future changes without having to touch a line of JavaScript.

If you need a component library and want to easily apply your custom styles, Oruga is the library for you! 🐛


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oruga-ui bezit de volgende accounts op andere platformen:


oruga Sterren 1093 Deze week bijgewerkt

🐛 Oruga is a lightweight library of UI components without any CSS framework dependency

theme-bulma Sterren 113 Vernieuwd 3 weken geleden

🎈 Customization of Oruga components with Bulma CSS framework


oruga-ui werd 2 jaar geleden lid.

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