

A Mastodon server for the Motion Design community

mograph.social ontvangt £ 1,38 per week van 1 donateur.
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mograph.social is a Mastodon server for the motion design community. VFX artists, 3D artists, animators, designers and illustrators with an interest in moving images are all welcome.

The main purpose of this Mastodon instance is to connect people from the broad motion design community, including VFX artist, animators (more in general designers and artists that are interested in moving images) and to contribute to the Fediverse with interesting content. It is also a place to offer to people in these fields an open space for discussion outside the toxic boxes of mainstream social media.

Gekoppelde accounts

mograph.social bezit de volgende accounts op andere platformen:


mograph.social werd 2 jaar geleden lid.

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