
Meghna Norean from Divine Flow

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Nomoshkar and Hello to all you beautiful souls! I'm Meghna. THANK YOU for stopping by my little corner of the world. I am an independent volunteer in India and have been living there for the last 7 years. I need your support to continue my work in India and to meet my basic needs. Don't you want to be the reason that I have food in my belly and a roof over my head? I thought so! While I will be happy with food in my belly, my desire is to expand my work into offering embodied spiritual practices to women around the world. With your help, I might just be able to do both!

Why embodied spiritual practices you might ask?

I believe that our bodies are temples and within there is deep wisdom for our healing and transformation. Our bodies are our sacred teachers. They hold profound insights into who we are and why we are here.

I believe this to be true because I have experienced it to be true.

When I first moved to India, I was appalled by the gender inequality I saw and experienced. After an incident, while riding my bike out of my community, I entered a very dark period of my life. I disconnected from my body and was faced with my own inner shadow of the shame I felt about being a woman. After 2 years of being in the dark, I began to emerge by connecting my earthly body with my divine spirit within.

Through practices like dance movement, yoga, meditation, menstrual cycle awareness, hiking, and being creative. I saw that these embodied spiritual practices had begun to heal and transform my life. I had begun to see the divine feminine in incarnate form all around me. I had begun an embodied journey towards my true self. That continues to this day, full of dark and light, ordinariness and sacredness.

My hope and dream is that EVERY woman will come to know of their body as the temple of the divine spirit.

And this connection will then enable them to heal and transform their own lives. I am merely the guide and facilitator for women who are ready for this journey. And YOU are the supporter that will empower more women to be able to walk the journey. We are all here to empower one another!

Practically the embodied spiritual practices will take the form of: + Yoga Videos + Guided Meditations + Embodied Movement Videos + Guidance on Your Menstrual Cycle + Creation of Ritual Practices + Spending time with Nature + Building Community + Leading Retreats + Wherever else the Spirit flows

I am honored and grateful that you are here (and that you've made it to the bottom of this page). It's people like you that make this world a better place to live. To believe and support the empowerment of women, you are believing and supporting the evolution of a world that is more whole.

Be blessed.

And come say hello to me over on Instagram, where I post my personal menstrual cycle awareness.

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