
Marco Bresciani

Working on different free (libre) software projects

marcoXbresciani ontvangt € 0,00 per week van 0 donateurs.
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I'm a professional software developer working on different free software projects. Feel free to contribute and, if you want, specify your favourite project.

I'm working on AAMfP, a LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet to track personal Kanban metrics to help you improve your way of working. https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/aamfp

I'm working on TKCompanionApp, a free helping app to introduce you and daily report with Toyota Kata practices. https://github.com/marcoXbresciani/TKCompanionApp

Sto lavorando a un manuale degli scacchi 3D (di Star Trek), in lingua italiana, con le regole di base, tattiche, strategie, suggerimenti, ... https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/s3d-manuale/

I'm working on wwwjdic, a Ruby software API to help and support the connection and usage of Jim Breen's online Japanese dictionary at EDRDG (Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group). https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/wwwjdic/

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marcoXbresciani bezit de volgende accounts op andere platformen:


TKCompanionApp Sterren 3 Vernieuwd 1 maand geleden

A short and small helper for Toyota Kata practitioners - If you're reading this here on GitHub, please note that main repository is now Codeberg: https://codeberg.org/marco.bresciani/TKCompanionApp


marcoXbresciani werd 5 jaar geleden lid.

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