
ash (from limes.pink)

hey, I'm ash!

limes's doel is om € 10,00 te ontvangen per week.
Doneer   Betaalkaart Automatische incasso


here's some stuff you might know me for:

  • discord-md-badge: a customizable badge that shows your Discord account, a server invite, or a bot account (my Discord badge);
  • microsoftgithub.com: i bought the domain to rick-roll people;
  • limes.pink: just a bunch of stuff, some of it is pretty cool I think.

reaching the goal would cover all server costs, as well as my domain expenses :3

Gekoppelde accounts

limes bezit de volgende accounts op andere platformen:


website Sterren 6 Vernieuwd 3 maanden geleden

My website!

microsoftgithub.com Sterren 18 Vernieuwd 4 maanden geleden

A website that lets you create official-looking GitHub links that rickroll the visitor.

discord-md-badge Sterren 200 Vernieuwd 4 maanden geleden

A customizable badge displaying your Discord account, a server invite, or a bot account.

pink-soc (fork) Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 3 weken geleden

pink version of glitch-soc, i guess. "powers" mastodon.pretendo.network and fedi.limes.pink


limes werd 5 maanden geleden lid.

Inkomen per week (in Euro)

Aantal donateurs per week