
Marcus Dean Adams

A freelance writer, tech enthusiast, occasional YouTuber

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I'm just an average guy who, on occasion, writes blogs, makes YouTube videos, offers tech support or advice, etc. I have a Facebook page where I share lots of tech news and advice. I write scripts and small programs sometimes to help me out, and share those publicly as open source.

I'm just a guy who is trying to give back to the world when I can. Any donation would be appreciated if you've found anything I've done useful or beneficial.

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YouTube-DL-PyTK Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 9 maanden geleden

YouTube-DL-PyTK is a simple python frontend for the popular video downloader "youtube-dl". It is intended to provide a simple interface for downloading non-copyright protected videos from a variety of supported sites including Youtube.

WPA2Gen Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 2 jaar geleden

WPA2Gen is a simple wifi password generator written in Python. You can optionally save the password to a file and even a QR code that be scanned for easily connecting to your network without manually typing in a 63 character password.

PingChecker Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 3 jaar geleden

PingChecker allows you to ping a series of hostnames or IP addresses and record their status as a simple "Up" or "Down". Targets can be read from an input file and data can be saved to a spreadsheet.

PyNuker Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 3 jaar geleden

PyNuker is a network stress testing tool written in python. It infinitely (until stopped) sends a UDP data packet to a target device in an attempt to flood it with so much traffic it stops responding to valid requests.


gerowen werd 5 jaar geleden lid.

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