
Distributed Denial of Secrets

Distributed Denial of Secrets is enabling the free transmission of data in the public interest.

ddosecrets's doel is om US$ 512,00 te ontvangen per week.
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We aim to avoid political, corporate or personal leanings, to act as a beacon of available information. As a transparency collective, we don't support any cause, idea or message beyond ensuring that information is available to those who need it most—the people.

Data we index must meet two criteria:

  • Is it in the public interest?
  • Can a prima facie case be made for the veracity of its contents?

Meeting our funding goal will allow us to bring back the Hunter Memorial Library. Hunter was taken down by German prosecutors seizing our server on July 2, 2020. Hunter was a powerful search engine that contained and indexed our datasets, and made important data useful to any member of the public.

Our most recent publications include: Parler (32TB); Ransomware (1TB).

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