
Daniil Gentili

Student and Go, C++, React, Node, PHP developer.

danogentili heeft 0 donateurs.


Student and Go, C++, React, Node, PHP developer.

I work on many open source projects @ github.com/danog, including:

  • MadelineProto, an async PHP client/server API for the telegram MTProto protocol.
  • Phabel, the PHP transpiler.

Gekoppelde accounts

danogentili bezit de volgende accounts op andere platformen:


MadelineProto Sterren 2795 Vernieuwd 2 weken geleden

Async PHP client API for the telegram MTProto protocol

tg-file-decoder Sterren 59 Vernieuwd 5 maanden geleden

Decode Telegram bot API file IDs


danogentili werd 3 jaar geleden lid.

Inkomen per week (in Euro)

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