

Software Developer

codeisle.com ontvangt US$ 0,00 per week van 0 donateurs.
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My name is Michael Corbett, a software developer with years of experience in coding. I have created many projects over the years, including many free and open source work. I am asking for donations to help with future projects.

Gekoppelde accounts

codeisle.com bezit de volgende accounts op andere platformen:


IPS-Peek Sterren 47 Vernieuwd 1 jaar geleden

IPS Peek is an IPS patch (International Patching System) exploration and testing tool.

DiffPeek Sterren 2 Vernieuwd 1 jaar geleden

Patch exploration tool

LibIPS.NET Sterren 10 Vernieuwd 3 jaar geleden

LibIPS.NET is a .NET library for 'International Patching System' (IPS) patches.

tinyips Sterren 6 Vernieuwd 7 jaar geleden

tinyIPS is a lightweight, cross platform IPS (International Patching System) patcher and creator.


codeisle.com werd 2 jaar geleden lid.

Inkomen per week (in Amerikaanse dollar)

Aantal donateurs per week

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