
Sean Davis

Xubuntu, Xfce, Linux, FOSS Developer

bluesabre ontvangt US$ 0,00 per week van 0 donateurs.
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I'm the Xubuntu Technical Lead, an Xfce Core Developer, and maintainer of several popular Linux desktop applications. I'm an open source enthusiast, and I strive to bring the developer and user communities better with improved communication.

Sponsor my work here, on GitHub, or on Patreon.

Learn more about sponsoring me on my website.

Follow me on Mastodon and Twitter!

Gekoppelde accounts

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sgt-launcher Sterren 4 Deze week bijgewerkt

A launcher for Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection

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Mugshot - User Management Utility for Linux

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MenuLibre is an advanced menu editor that provides modern features in a clean, easy-to-use interface.

darkbar Sterren 45 Vernieuwd 2 maanden geleden

Darken window titlebars based on your preference. Made for elementary OS and GNOME.

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bluesabre doneert publiekelijk aan 1 maker.

US$ 1,15/week


bluesabre werd 2 jaar geleden lid.

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