
Olivier Benz

Dev containers, docker images and deployment templates for Data Scientists

benz0li ontvangt DKK 7,46 per week van 1 donateur. Doel: DKK 1.024,00
Doneer   Betaalkaart Automatische incasso


I dedicate about 20% of my time to open-source software maintaining dev containers, docker images and deployment templates for Data Scientists.

[^1]: Current os/arch's: linux/amd64, linux/arm64/v8
[^2]: Use cases (not exhaustive): Parent image, Dev Container, CI pipeline
[^3]: Base images: Debian (slim): stable, oldstable; Ubuntu: current LTS, former LTS

These docker images and deployment templates are freely available. If they are of value to you, consider making a donation here. In this way, maintenance and extension can be ensured in the long term.

Thanks for your support!

Another 20% I devote to collaborating with start-ups. I am available to b-data GmbH as a Data Scientist, DevOps Engineer and Managing Director the remaining 60%.

I follow the development of

  1. https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc
  2. https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports

in order to maintain GHC musl.

The multi-arch (linux/amd64, linux/arm64/v8) docker image used to build the statically linked Linux amd64 and arm64 binary releases of

Images available at

GitLab profile @b-data: https://gitlab.b-data.ch/benz0li

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GHC musl Sterren 0 Deze week bijgewerkt

Unofficial binary distributions of GHC on Alpine Linux. Multi-arch (linux/amd64, linux/arm64/v8) GHC musl docker images. Mirrored to https://gitlab.b-data.ch/ghc/ghc-musl and https://github.com/benz0li/ghc-musl.

ghc-musl Sterren 12 Deze week bijgewerkt

Unofficial binary distributions of GHC on Alpine Linux. Multi-arch (linux/amd64, linux/arm64/v8) GHC musl docker images. Please submit Pull Requests to the GitLab repository. Mirror of


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