
Case Duckworth

Help fund breadpunk.club

acdw ontvangt US$ 0,23 per week van 1 donateur.
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breadpunk.club is a shared Unix server focused on bread: baking it, eating it, using it as fiat currency in the event of a cataclysm, that sort of thing. We're a group of bakers and bread aficionados focused on the radical opportunities baking bread provides, namely anti-commoditization, self-reliance, and radical cooperation. See our manifesto for more information on our mission.

Your donation will directly pay for server costs from DigitalOcean. Right now, those costs are $6 a month, but they may increase with increased server usage. With your donation, we can pay for better servers, more bandwidth, and nicer things.

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acdw werd 3 jaar geleden lid.

Inkomen per week (in Amerikaanse dollar)

Aantal donateurs per week

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