
The Magpie Bridge Brigade 鹊桥小队翻译组

ZHZSubbers ontvangt US$ 0,25 per week van 1 donateur.
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Our projects have expanded. We have moved to https://magpiebridgebrigade.cn

Please make donations on our new website as Liberapay is no longer monitored by us.

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You can also see our subtitles updates and translation articles on social media

Facebook @BrigadeMagpie

Twitter @BrigadeMagpie

Instagram @BrigadeMagpie (You can open article links on our other social platforms)

Weibo 鹊桥小队翻译组

Bilibili 鹊桥小队翻译组

WeChat Official Account 微信公众号 ID: BrigadeMagpie

Our translation work is permitted by LeTV YouTube channel and we reserve the copyright of our English subtitles.


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