
Common Lisp Software Distribution

Ultralisp.org is a fast-moving Common Lisp software distribution.

Ultralisp.org heeft 0 donateurs.


Common Lisp is a generic purpose programming language. Very powerful and underrated. It has a small community and we are trying to fix this by helping to grow Common Lisp's ecosystem.

Ultralisp.org is a software distribution which makes it very easy to create and publish new Common Lisp libraries and to explore existing libraries.

We believe, that by minimizing the entry threshold we'll make Common Lisp a more attractive language for newcomers, they will create more libraries, and this in its turn will attract more newcomers. Common Lisp needs fresh blood!


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ultralisp Sterren 220 Vernieuwd 2 weken geleden

The software behind a Ultralisp.org Common Lisp repository


Ultralisp.org werd 5 jaar geleden lid.

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