

We make free (as in freedom)/open source software and offer a variety of fully open cloud services.

Sineware ontvangt C$ 2,94 per week van 2 donateurs.
Doneer   Betaalkaart Automatische incasso


We make free (as in freedom)/open source software and offer a variety of fully open cloud services (hosted on our own physical hardware!)

Some of our services include a Mastodon and Matrix instance, ProLinux 2 (a Linux distribution, including Plasma Mobile Nightly dev images), and our upcoming Sineware Cloud Services suite.

Supporting us on Liberapay allows us to keep our services open and free!

Gekoppelde accounts

Sineware bezit de volgende accounts op andere platformen:


Sineware werd 1 jaar geleden lid.

Inkomen per week (in Canadese dollar)

Aantal donateurs per week

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