

Hosting your horse related videos at Pony.Tube

PonyTube ontvangt US$ 4,81 per week van 2 donateurs.
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Hello everypony!

I'm the owner and admin of Pony.Tube, a pony-centric video hosting service. I'm asking for donations to help offset the cost of running the service.

Video hosting ain't cheap

As you may be aware, running a video hosting service is not cheap, it currently costs around $200 a month to run Pony.Tube and if we want to get better hardware that number will only increase.

Large file size

Video files are large, and every video uploaded is copied up to 6 times as it is transcoded to different resolutions to provide better streaming performance.


So I'm asking for anything you can spare to help offset the costs of running the server.

Gekoppelde accounts

PonyTube bezit de volgende accounts op andere platformen:


PonyTube werd 5 jaar geleden lid.

Inkomen per week (in Amerikaanse dollar)

Aantal donateurs per week

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