
Open Book Publishers

We're a not-for-profit, scholar-led Open Access academic press making outstanding books free to read

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We're Open Book Publishers, a not-for-profit, scholar-led Open Access academic press, and we’re dedicated to making outstanding books that are free for everybody to read. If you believe that knowledge should be available to everyone, you can support our work with a monthly pledge and become part of the OBP community!

N.B. Donors on Liberapay appear anonymously. We love to hear from our donors and find out more about who you are and why you support us: please contact Lucy Barnes on <lucy@openbookpublishers.com> if you'd like to get in touch!

Watch a video about us here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xTUNONQ2gI

What we do

  • We publish on average two new books a month, and they are all rigorously peer-reviewed, beautifully made, and completely free to read and download in their entirety
  • We have produced more than 100 top-quality titles by some of the world’s leading scholars, including Noam Chomsky, Amartya Sen, and Ruth Finnegan
  • We’ve had over two million readers from all over the world and we don’t charge them a penny. Our authors don’t pay to publish with us either
  • We are involved in a variety of software development projects, from XML publishing to usage data aggregation: we are committed to making all this Open Source to make it easier for others to start their own Open Access publishers

Why you should join us

All the money we make goes into creating more books for everyone to read. If you pledge to support our work, you will:

  • Be listed on our website as a supporter (if you’d like to be)
  • Be directly responsible for the creation of new books
  • If we can raise €100 a month ($115) for a year, that will fund a new work in its entirety!

If you believe knowledge should be available to everyone, regardless of cost, join us - your contribution will make a real difference.


Gekoppelde accounts

OpenBookPublishers bezit de volgende accounts op andere platformen:


obp_institution_client Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 6 jaar geleden

Ant Design React client to obp_institution_api

author-reports Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 6 jaar geleden

Statistics reporting system for authors.

readthedocs Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 6 jaar geleden

obp_mysql_database Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 6 jaar geleden

Common setup for OBP's MySQL databases.

filter-awstats-csv Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 7 jaar geleden

Remove suspicious requests from awstats CSV reports

book-metadata-jsonld Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 7 jaar geleden

Read book metadata from a spreadsheet an produce JSON-LD scripts in http://schema.org/Book format

personised-books Sterren 1 Vernieuwd 8 jaar geleden

Instructions on how to create your own book from one of ours

obp_institution_api (fork) Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 6 jaar geleden

cidrize_wacky_ranges (fork) Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 6 jaar geleden

obp_institution_db (fork) Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 6 jaar geleden

geturls (fork) Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 6 jaar geleden

Extact all URLs from anchor and image tags within a html/xhtml page and its children.

archiveurl (fork) Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 6 jaar geleden

Archive a URL in Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

epublius (fork) Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 6 jaar geleden

Generates a stylised HTML site from an ePub book

XML-last (fork) Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 6 jaar geleden

Extract-citations (fork) Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 7 jaar geleden

pdf_to_book_reader (fork) Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 8 jaar geleden

Generates a stylised HTML site (instantiating the Internet Archive's Book Reader) from a PDF of a book

PDF-Mine (fork) Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 8 jaar geleden

This Python library examines a PDF and extracts text blocks, videos, internal and external links, and their positions

OpenConCam (fork) Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 8 jaar geleden

pdfminer (fork) Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 8 jaar geleden

Python PDF Parser


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