
Open Registry Community

Creating a community owned JavaScript modules registry

Open-Registry-Community ontvangt € 0,00 per week van 0 donateurs.
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Moved to OpenCollective Europe ASBL

Please see https://opencollective.com/open-registry

The famous npm registry is a public archive of most open source JavaScript modules but it's built by a for-profit company.

Instead of this, we're proposing and building a community owned JavaScript modules registry, called open-registry.

The purpose is to allow the community who are using and depend on the registry to also be a part of the development and funding of the same registry.

We hope you can help us make this dream a reality!


Bekijk de inkomensaandelen

Gekoppelde accounts

Open-Registry-Community bezit de volgende accounts op andere platformen:


open-registry Sterren 267 Vernieuwd 2 jaar geleden

Community Owned JavaScript Registry

public-registry-benchmarks Sterren 6 Vernieuwd 4 jaar geleden

Benchmark of bunch of public npm registries, including open-registry

clj-ipfs-api Sterren 4 Vernieuwd 4 jaar geleden

HTTP client for a IPFS daemon

npm-registry-follow Sterren 1 Vernieuwd 5 jaar geleden

Clojure library for reading a stream of changes from the npm registry.

open-registry-website Sterren 2 Vernieuwd 5 jaar geleden

Website source for https://open-registry.dev


Open-Registry-Community werd 5 jaar geleden lid.

Inkomen per week (in Euro)

Aantal donateurs per week