

I am developing FOSS-Apps.

Nulide ontvangt € 16,75 per week van 36 donateurs.
Doneer   Betaalkaart Automatische incasso


I develop mailny for android phones and try to present users with more options to move away from Google.

With FMD i created a platform for searching and controlling android phones.

I do this completly for free and don't expect to live from this. Part of the donations are used for the servercosts.

Gekoppelde accounts

Nulide bezit de volgende accounts op andere platformen:


FindMyDevice Sterren 230 Vernieuwd 2 weken geleden

Find your Device with an SMS or online with the help of FMDServer. This applications goal is to track your device when it's lost and should be a secure open source application and a alternative to Googles FindMyDevice.

ShiftCal Sterren 3 Vernieuwd 8 maanden geleden

BikeComputer Sterren 5 Vernieuwd 1 jaar geleden


Nulide werd 4 jaar geleden lid.

Inkomen per week (in Euro)

Aantal donateurs per week

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