
Nicholas Bernhard

The Best E-Books On The Planet

NantucketEbooks ontvangt US$ 1,86 per week van 3 donateurs.
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Nantucket E-Books is dedicated to making it easier for authors to create and share the best e-books on the planet. Nantucket E-Books are read in the browser, are mobile-responsive, and run on free software. The e-books are written in the Shanty markup language, which lets authors focus on writing and leaves appearance to the computer.

I am seeking donations to support the continued development of Nantucket E-Books.

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NantucketEbooks heeft 1 publieke donateur.

Benjamin Hollon
US$ 0,23/week

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NantucketEbooks doneert publiekelijk aan 1 maker.

US$ 0,23/week


NantucketEbooks werd 4 jaar geleden lid.

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