

Open Design and local manufacturing (are part of permaculture)

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Open Design and local manufacturing are what #permaculture is in my domain : imagine and create good products/tools.

I contribute to the commons since 2009, and I appreciate the impact I can have at my level, or at a broader scale via the people I met and the sharing of those ideas.

Some links for those who don't know me yet :

In progress :

  • Design guidelines for additive manufacturing (my "30 rules")
  • A skill tree (inspired by diy.org)

Gekoppelde accounts

EmmanuelG bezit de volgende accounts op andere platformen:


Foldarap Sterren 73 Vernieuwd 4 jaar geleden

The Folding RepRap !


EmmanuelG werd 7 jaar geleden lid.

Inkomen per week (in Euro)

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