

Hosting PeerTube, Game Servers and other web Projects.

DavBot ontvangt C$ 1,61 per week van 1 donateur. Doel: C$ 250,00
Doneer   PayPal


Hi There, I'm Dave, @DavBot. This Liberpay helps maintain my server, the primary usage being PeerTube. I fund this server myself but if a user base is capable of helping keep the lights on that would be freakin' sweet.

I run the PeerTube instance davbot.media and host Owncast instances such as live.davbot.media if one has their own domain to point and Matrix accounts. I can be found on mastodon @DavBot@nerdculture.de

Gekoppelde accounts

DavBot bezit de volgende accounts op andere platformen:


DavBot werd 2 jaar geleden lid.

Inkomen per week (in Canadese dollar)

Aantal donateurs per week