

Building network visualisation tools and packaging software in nixpkgs

petabyteboy ontvangt € 0,00 per week van 0 donateurs.
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Hi there, I'm Milan,

I'm a NixOS user, enthusiast and contributor. Declarative infrastructure deployment is the future!

I'm a networking person. Many of my projects are related to network visualisation, such as HopGlass, a tool widely used by wireless mesh networking projects across Germany.

I establish independent infrastructure, like the experimental autonomous network AS207921.

Gekoppelde accounts

petabyteboy bezit de volgende accounts op andere platformen:


nixpkgs (fork) Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 2 jaar geleden

Nix Packages collection


petabyteboy werd 4 jaar geleden lid.

Inkomen per week (in Euro)

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