

Student, Developer

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🤔 About

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- Name: 張 辰 (Chang, Chen) - Other name: Thect、**Cheetosysst** - Interests: Programming (Obviously), Song writing, Drawing, Translation - 學歷: Taipei Municipal Chenggong High School,Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science of Feng Chia University (Current) - 專長: Python, NodeJS, Translation, Document Writing

🔗 Record

Anurag's github stats

🛠 Repo

  • Demoji: An emoji picker built for tiling window mangers like i3 and bspwm.
  • EMU6502: Attempt to write a 6502 emulator with python.

🔨 Languages

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🎨 Other

  • 🎵音樂製作: I'm far from professional, just a side hobby.
  • 🚀火箭科普: I'm a rocket and astronomy enthusiast. I translate and organize English articles and rewrite them, to introduce these knowledge to more people.

📬 Contacts

  • Email: [thect@pm.me](mailto:thect@pm.me) (I will reply!)
  • Twitter: @Thect_36 (Mostly for non-programming stuff)
  • IPoAC: Wikipedia Please release pigeon on top of Qixingshan during northeast monsoon season. This method is known for 55% of average packet loss rate, so please send multiple doves at the same time, and use bigger packet media, for example a SD card. I'll try my best to catch it!

Gekoppelde accounts

Thect bezit de volgende accounts op andere platformen:


EMU6502 Sterren 1 Vernieuwd 3 jaar geleden

A MOS6502 emulator written in python.


Thect werd 4 jaar geleden lid.

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