

Free time developer for linux #sailfishos #Qt and arch linux

Thaodan ontvangt € 0,00 per week van 0 donateurs.
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About me

I like to work on free software projects or help others with technical problems around free software. Mostly I work on my Arch Linux packages in the AUR1 or around Sailfish OS related things like the Xperia XA2 (Ultra) adaptions. Also I organize community events for the Sailfish OS community in Germany like this. In addition I have some personal projects to automate my packaging needs listed on Github or Gitlab profile (see left).

What I do

I host several bots for the Sailfish OS Community (for more info about them see here) on my server thaodan.de Also I provide serveral programs for Sailfish OS on Openrepos. In addition I host serveral repos for Arch Linux with addional software, that I also maintain at the AUR, here.

Gekoppelde accounts

Thaodan bezit de volgende accounts op andere platformen:


usenew Sterren 3 Vernieuwd 1 jaar geleden

This a wrapper script that handles wine prefixes when running programms in/on them and inclues a library to write scripts that start wine programms.

shpp Sterren 1 Vernieuwd 1 jaar geleden

thaopkgs Sterren 7 Vernieuwd 2 jaar geleden

my personal pkgbuild repo

droid-hal-img-boot-sony-kumano Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 2 jaar geleden

sailfish-custom-spacebarrow-patch Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 5 jaar geleden

haze-accounts-extensions-skypeweb Sterren 4 Vernieuwd 9 jaar geleden

Extensions plugins for Telepathy Haze library Skypweb

flac2ogg Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 9 jaar geleden

Recursively find FLAC files starting in given directory and convert them to ogg vorbis files with making use of gnu parallel to optimize converting speed

tiny-org Sterren 0 Vernieuwd 9 jaar geleden

simple org-file parser writer perl

communi-sailfish (fork) Sterren 3 Vernieuwd 2 jaar geleden

An IRC client for Sailfish


Thaodan werd 5 jaar geleden lid.

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